Lespri Zil Boutik By PhoenixBev Claimed


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PhoenixBev remains committed towards its loyal customers during this crisis and provides contactless delivery for a selection of beverages.
As much as we would like to offer our full range of products, limited staff and logistics do not allow us to do so. So please bear with us.
The good news is that you can now relax and we will come deliver your favorite beverages. So, let’s stay safely home and enjoy quality family time.
So get on our Facebook or our website and make order your favourite  drinks to be delivered. Each customer may order up to a maximum of 5 packs per day.

Minimum purchase amount per customer: Rs 2, 000.

We are now offering delivery  twice a week as follows:
Monday & Wednesday– North
Tuesday & Thursday – Centre/Plaines-Wilhems
Wednesday & Friday – West/South
Monday & Thursday – Port-Louis
Friday & Tuesday – East

Delivery fee – Rs 250 per order